Friday, December 23, 2011

2 days till Christmas!

Oh no, I'm getting worse at this... Oh well, it's bound to happen.

Christmas is so close! It will be so wonderful to be with family and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. I know this is said a lot, but it is so hard to forget what Christmas is really about. You catch yourself thinking hmmm "I wonder what I will get for Christmas...." or "Oh no! What do I get this person..." and it becomes so much about the gifts. And giving is wonderful! But all the time we spend on shopping and planning, is probably exponentially higher than the amount of time we actually reflect on the amazing gift of grace. I mean really how awesome it is, that God would sacrifice His only son- who "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death- even death on a cross!" (Phil. 2:7-8)- so that I and anyone else could have an eternal relationship with the God of the Universe. The perfect example of Love- and I think it's hard to accept that love sometimes, because I know that I am completely unworthy of this love. But my debt has been paid and I am His! He loves me so much that he will "rejoice over me with singing." (Zephaniah 3:17) Thinking about hearing God sing blows my mind, but Him singing for ME? Incomprehensible!

The best part about my past couple days has been hanging out with some of my best friends: Michael, Doug, Lashawna, Kaylee, Marc, Anna, Nathaniel and Nick. I can't even express how much I love them and how much their friendship has meant to me over the past 7 years. Anna just turned 20 yesterday! Out of the teens! *high five to Anna* She is so wonderful! Kaylee and Marc get married in 1 week!!! So Surreal!

In short God has given me the best gifts of all and for this I am so grateful. :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa Baby

I don't know if this is weird, but one of my favorite Christmas songs is Santa Baby, Eartha Kitt is just great! Well my favorite part of my day actually involved this song and 3 of my amazing roommates (Kaylee, Kelsey, and Brittany) :) Tonight we finally were able to hang out, unfortunately without the presence of Kalen and Kate. You would not believe how hard it is to coordinate our schedules! None of us are ever available at the same time, but tonight we had a delicious dinner at the Oven and visited Kate at Scooters after. The best part, however, was when we jammed out to Christmas tunes at our house in our Christmas attire :)

The only sad part of my day was thinking about Kaylee moving out soon. I'm going to miss her so much! But I know she will visit us all the time next semester and visa versa- I'm so excited to see her and Marc get married- it will be the best wedding ever!

Favorite Customer

I'm currently at work and my favorite customer just came in. He is the sweetest old man- always get a large half decaf and always tips me a dollar. He reminds me of the old man from Home Alone. This man is always a highlight of my work day :)

My customer doesn't have quite this much facial hair....

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas is in a week!

Day #2 on the blog- look at me I'm keeping up thus far!

Best part of my day:
My mom being really excited about her impecable wrapping skills and showing me her perfect bow that she tied on a package under the Christmas tree and then showing me new warm flannel sheets on my bed :) Also my dad's got Christmas lights that change colors decorating his computer screen- so much Christmas spirit!

Worst part:
Finding out my grandpa broke his ankle :( and also finding out I have to work both Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

New Blog

Wow. Lame title. heh. But here I am starting a blog. Who knows how long this will last. I had this idea to write the best part of my day and then the worst part of my day- although I'm not one to post too many negative things on the internet, so perhaps I won't always do the worst part of my day... Also I might do multiple favorite parts of my day, because usually God blesses me with many joyful moments. So today:

Best part:
Seeing so many old friends! Especially John Olson and my Canadian friend Jeff Manchur. It was wonderful to catch up with Jeff and hear of his doctoral piano adventures in Ohio. Also consuming Raising Canes' sweet tea= highlight.

Worst part:
Going to work at 6 AM and discovering that it is UNL graduation day = sooooo many costumers in 2 hours. Not fun.

There you have it. Yay blogging!